Rotary Earth Day presents Guelph Lake Nature Centre public campaign launch

Residents of Guelph and area are invited to help plant trees and be part of the Guelph Lake Nature Centre public campaign launch at the Rotary Forest Earth Day event on April 23.

The event will run from 9am to 2pm at the site of the Guelph Rotary Forest, across the street from the current Guelph Lake Nature Centre on Conservation Drive, east of Victoria Road North.

The existing Guelph Lake Nature Centre, a former single family residence, has reached the end of its lifespan and plans are in place to construct a new nature centre facility within the park at Guelph Lake.

To date, various individuals and organizations have raised $1.1 million of the $3 million target needed to build the new centre.

This tree planting event will mark the launch of the public campaign in support of the new facility. To help support the announcement, former Wellington Catholic District School Board Director of Education, Don Drone, will be on hand to acknowledge a major donation being made in his honour.

The Wellington Catholic District School Board has been a partner in outdoor education at Guelph Lake for more than 30 years with students visiting the facility at least once each year during their elementary school career.

Many students from the Upper Grand District School Board have also benefitted from their school visits to the Guelph Lake Nature Centre.

The event will give participants the chance to dig in and help plant up to 2,000 trees on the site of the new forest, which will eventually be home to 65,000 trees.

The Rotary Club and the Grand River Conservation Authority are focused on planting up to 5,000 trees a year by 2020, the 100th anniversary of the club.

Shovels and instructions on tree planting will be provided.

There is no charge for admission. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase.

Parking will be available at the Lakeside Church on Conservation Road. Shuttle buses will provide service to the site.

For more information, contact the Guelph Lake Nature Centre at 519-836-7860.

