Robotics helping to redefine dairy operations for the next generation

In the last 15 years, milking robotics and on-farm automation have gone from expensive curiosities to redefining the dairy farm.

The growing use of robotics on Canadian dairy farms demonstrates this technology is not only proven, but also that there isn’t just one approach to farming anymore.

The Canadian Dairy Xpo (CDX) is proud to embrace the demand for precision farming, one which inspires both the current generation and the tech-savvy next generation.

The Feb. 6 and 7 event will showcase several robotic manufacturers, allowing dairy producers a chance to see and compare the latest in automation and engage in live, simulated demonstrations.

These demonstrations are applicable to all dairy operations, medium to large scale; free stall or tie stall.

“From my experience in helping to manage our family dairy operation, we need to strongly support the next generation of dairy farmers by staying competitive and embracing technology and change,” said CDX programming and logistics manager Val Jones.

“This is essential to keeping youth on the farm and interested in dairy operations. This is why CDX will be showcasing the world’s leading robot manufacturers under the same roof, to give these farm families a chance to make decisions around innovation for their specific dairy operation”.     

With robots tending to cows’ milking needs, dairy farmers can manage their time as they see fit – whether that’s taking a more active role in managing their operation’s genetics, nutrition or even spending more quality time with the family.

“Embracing this new robotic technology isn’t about cutting corners or becoming an absentee farmer,” said  Rob McKinlay from Harcolm Farms Ltd. “It allows flexibility with our roles on the farm and how we interact with our cattle and each other.

“Our goal is to keep the farm focussed on our cows and attractive for our family’s next generation. Even though we already have a robot installed on our operation, we will attend the Canadian Dairy Xpo as a family, to see the latest and greatest on the market today”.

For those farmers not prepared to take the plunge into a “robo-retrofit” of their dairy operation, the CDX will also host a dairy education classroom, hay equipment innovation circuit, live genetic dairy daughter pens, complimentary producer breakfast, a global dairy summit meeting and several other interesting features.

“Between the wide range of innovation and knowledge transfer initiatives happening on site, we feel strongly that the value proposition is there for both the producer and the entire family unit and we invite all to attend and experience first-hand what CDX has to offer,” said CDX founder and general manager Jordon Underhill.

The Canadian Dairy Xpo takes place Feb. 6 and 7 at the Stratford Rotary Complex. For information call 226-381-0282 .or visit
