Rezoning to limit residential development

Council is amending its zoning bylaw to restrict further residential development on Lot 29 and Part Lot 30, Concession 9.

The intent is to rezone the land to restrict further residential development on the agricultural portion of the property.

The property recently received provisional consent from the Wellington County Land Division Committee to sever the existing farm dwelling from the remainder of the agricultural parcel as per surplus farm dwellings policies.

The rezoning was required to satisfy a condition of the lot line adjustment.

Planner Mark Van Patter said he had no concerns.

“Both the provincial policy statement and the county of Wellington official plan provide for surplus farm residence severances provided the retained lands are rezoned to prohibit future residential dwellings,” Van Patter said.

“The intention of this policy is to allow farmers to reduce their costs acquiring additional farm parcels where the impact to existing farm operations can be kept to a minimum.”

Van Patter said there was not much to add since the application was fairly simple.

Essentially, the applicants  have a farm and are severing off the excess farmland.

At the end of the day, there is still the farm parcel and a single house, he said.

“We’ve done a number of these in the past year or so, and I have no concerns about it,” Van Patter said.

The rezoning itself, he said, is quite simple.

Council later passed the rezoning with no further discussion.

