Rezoning allows for smaller lots for Arthur

A bend in the road managed to slow down but not derail rezoning of a property owned by John F. and Mary T. Walsh here.

Rezoning allows relief from the minimum lot frontage of 66 feet. Earlier this year, the owners received provisional consent to sever a parcel of land into three residential lots with frontages between 56 and 58 feet, so rezoning was re­quired.

Planner Linda Redmond ex­plained to Wellington North council the only change would be smaller frontage, and the recommendation is the properties remain as single family detached dwellings – because they are located on Smith Street in the north end of Arthur. The only concern was the safe driveway access.

Council set a condition that provisions be made for the driveway designs to provide sufficient vehicle turnaround so drivers need not back out onto the highway. That, Red­mond believes, would address traffic concerns.

She said despite concerns at council, engineering sight lines suggest views are adequate. Planning staff said the proposal meets the general intent of the provincial policies for intensification in urban communities.

Mayor Mike Broomhead said Works Superintendent Gary William­son is adamant about provisions so vehicles do not have to back out of driveways; but councillor Dan Yake said, “It won’t stop people from backing out.”

Redmond agreed, but said this provides them the opportunity to turn around.

Redmond said when the sight lines on the curved section of road were looked into, the engineers said they were okay.

Council agreed to the rezoning.

