Raoul Robinson recently recognized

Centre Wellington recently recognized Raoul Robinson’s longstanding efforts to preserve the built heritage of Centre Wellington.

Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said the award was being presented as a result of actions by members of the local community.

Ross-Zuj explained this award comes via Ontario Heritage Trust.

The trust recognizes resident Raoul Robinson as one of 400 heritage volunteers in the province who have done important work preserving the heritage of Ontario.

Assisting with the presentation was Heritage Centre Wellington member Dave Benyon.

He explained part of the role of Heritage Centre Wellington is to “protect the heritage of this beautiful community.

“We work hard to make sure our community remains beautiful and that as many of those heritage attributes remain as possible.”

At the local group’s August meeting, they discovered nominations were being held for lifetime achievement awards from Ontario Heritage Trust.

“When we found out about this, one name came to mind. It was Raoul Robinson,” said Benyon.

He added that in one way or another, Robinson had helped out in the community for a number of years.

“We sent off the application to let them know all about Raoul,” said Benyon. “To our delight, they agreed that Raoul deserved to be recognized for his many years of service to the community.”

Robinson was then presented with a certificate and pin.
