Puslinch Township adopts design guidelines

County planner Sarah Wilhelm’s presentation to Puslinch council about the township’s final de­sign guidelines for new developments marked the culmination of nearly five years of ideas and work.

Councillor Matthew Bul­mer first brought up the need for guidelines around 2005, and Wilhelm said last week she was “very happy” to present the final version.

The 56-page report outlines in detail the township’s three main goals: enhancing the street­scape, promoting quality development, and respecting established character.

Wilhelm, who helped complete a design guidelines study in the fall of 2008, said a November open house was “well attended by a good cross-section of residents” and was valuable in making changes to the document.

But the biggest change since council first viewed a draft of the guidelines in Octo­ber is the addition of an implementation section entitled Making It Happen. That portion includes specific steps the township must take to ensure guidelines are implemented and adhered to, including the following short-term goals:

– incorporating the guidelines into the township’s site plan control process;

– forming a Brock?Road im­provement committee to perform tasks such as roadside plantings, gateway landscaping,  and fundraising;

– selecting locations for and installing primary and secondary gateway signs;

– conducting a review to en­sure design guidelines are compatible with the township’s zoning bylaw; and

– reviewing the sign bylaw to ensure consistency with the guidelines.

Bulmer called the guidelines “such a valuable project,” and commended Wilhelm for “taking it to heart” what locals want their community to look like.

Councillor Don?McKay also thanked Wilhelm and county planner Aldo Salis for their hard work and noted the design guidelines will be a big part of the strategic plan he is trying to get started for the township.

Councillor Susan Fielding said Bulmer should also be recognized for helping to get the design guidelines started. She added the document will really help the community.

Council voted unanimously to adopt the final version of the design guidelines.

