Puslinch approves 2017 budget

Puslinch council approved its 2017 operating and capital budget with a local 3% tax increase.

For the median Puslinch residence of $582,500, the increase represents a $28.20 annual increase. The increase per $100,000 of assessment value is approximately $4.84.

“Puslinch council has passed a responsible budget that continues to focus on our key priorities,” said Mayor Dennis Lever.

“Even though overall spending has decreased, there is still an increase in taxes due to gravel pit assessment changes.”

Taking into account Wellington County’s 2017 preliminary budget and the 2017 estimated education tax rate, the blended tax impact for the median Puslinch residence of $582,500 is 2.54% or $143.10.

The blended tax increase per $100,000 of assessment value is approximately $24.57.

As of the Jan. 18 Puslinch council session, the county tax rate is preliminary until adopted by Wellington County council. In addition, education tax rates had yet to be announced. The assumption made was that those rates would remain the same as 2016.

2017 Budget highlights

– Over $1.2 million invested in roads and bridges to maintain a safe and efficient transportation network across the township.

– Improvements to Ellis Road, Nassagaweya-Puslinch Townline, and Laird Road.

– Contributions of $190,500 into capital discretionary reserves for future projects and equipment.

– Purchase of a new electric ice resurfacer for the Optimist Recreation Centre ice pad.

– Completion of a Municipal Drinking Water Well System Feasibility Study.
