Proposal to convert studio into residence is deferred

Mapleton council is considering a rezoning request that would allow a prospective purchaser to convert a building here from institutional to residential use.

Representatives of a Fergus law firm have applied for the rezoning on the Footlights Dance Studio property at 16 Spring Street on behalf of Nadia Jackson, who wants to convert the building, which was once a church, into living quarters.

The change in zoning would allow the property to be used as a residence in keeping with the official plan and the nature of the neighbourhood.

During a public meeting on March 10, the Wellington County planning department and Mapleton public works director Brad McRoberts raised concerns about parking and driveway access.

While supporting the application, McRoberts suggested in a written report that a survey be provided to ensure there is room on the east side of he building to access a driveway.

McRoberts said currently there is not really a driveway on the property, just a grass path. He said the municipality needs to ensure residents will be able to park off the road allowance in order to avoid interfering with snow removal.

No one offered concerns about the proposal during the public meeting. Afterward, council passed a resolution to defer approval for  further discussion on issues, including on-site parking.
