Power of the press

Newspaper Week is celebrated in early October and we usually miss the chance to talk about the Newspaper business, promising ourselves to do a bang-up job the following year.

It’s not a case of not caring, but tooting our own horn isn’t something that comes easy. In addition, our organization is so busy covering events and important News we regularly overlook the importance of sharing our own message.

This year, Helen, our production manager and resident creative whiz, put together an informative pull-out section based on the industry theme “The Power of the Press.” In addition to some lighter points, it contains an assortment of facts gathered in a media study we commissioned last fall and concluded this spring.

The results of the Kubas media study were gratifying for our organization and we thank all respondents for their valuable input. In addition to good News about our Newspaper’s efforts and its definitive placing as the #1 source for local News, we have factual, consumer-based data to share with advertisers about shopping habits, marketing trends and an analysis of other media in this market. Watch for more on that another time.

A typical Tuesday

Tuesday is our busiest day of the week. After a reasonable page count is determined based on sales volume, the process of placing ads and marking out special sections takes place. Layout continues to be my job, as is the choice to increase the page count when critical community issues need more space for discussion.

After finishing that chore this week, I took a stroll around the office and warehouse.

The reporters were huddled (a team of four, plus our editor), deciding on what News would go on what page. The enthusiasm they have for their craft is amazing. It’s a rich blend of youthful exuberance and wise counsel from two reporters that each have 25 years’ experience under their belt. Then there is our editor, who often spends late nights Tuesday trying his hardest to ensure stories are fair, accurate and free of spelling and grammatical errors. These people care about their community and the quality of News that readers require to make informed decisions. They help the community stay informed.

Down the hall, our salespeople have already started working on sales features and getting copy ready for next week’s ads. They too care about being an integral part of local commerce. Businesspeople need a hand with marketing and our people capably suggest options that make sense and help drive business to our customers.

Back in the mail room, flyers are being pre-inserted to make the challenge of pulling the whole package together on Wednesday night easier. This week, community groups, franchises, small business and multi-nationals will use our services to get messages to our readers. The quality of those flyers and their accurate delivery is critical to us, and our customers.

In reception and further down the hall in accounting and where our office manager resides, this week’s issue is being posted and last minute customers are helped out. Every effort is made to make the process of advertising easier for all concerned. We are lucky to have such dedicated people who take the time to make our customers feel welcome and appreciated.

Before ending the walk-about I passed the production department, where four very talented people take something “blah” and make it great. They churn out an incredible amount of advertising and marketing material each week, completing the circle of life that is the Newspaper business.

A community Newspaper is a reflection of its community. As such, we remain proud of our community and what we are able to accomplish each week.

Thank you advertisers, readers and staff for another great week, and for demonstrating that, in Wellington County at least, the power of the press is alive and well.

Read our pull-out section online.
