Possible burial site discovered in Drayton

The discovery of what may be a pioneer burial site during excavation for a building lot stalled construction of a home in a Drayton subdivision earlier this week.

The discovery was made Dec. 17 on a lot at the corner of Pioneer and Main Streets. Wellington OPP Constable Gary Barnhardt said initially two pieces of wood were dug  up “that could possibly be part of a coffin.” Further investigation revealed what appeared to be the remains of a 1900s-era pioneer burial ground, said Barnhardt.

The lot is located next to a pioneer cemetery. Barnhardt said initially the developer of the subdivision had not planned to build on the lot where the discovery was made. However, after an archeological assessment was completed, a building permit was issued for the lot, located in the Glenaviland subdivision.

On Dec. 18, police were at the site awaiting the arrival of a forensic pathologist called in “to assist at the site.”

Barnhardt said police do not consider the discovery suspicious.
