PIN releases holiday giving guide

GUELPH – For folks who want to give back to the community over the holiday season, The People and Information Network (PIN) has just released its Holiday Giving Guide – a one-stop shop of impactful, meaningful giving.

“Whether you are seeking to give or volunteer, the Holiday Giving Guide is a compilation of seasonal needs for non-profits and charities,” says executive director Kim Cusimano. “Direct donations of money, gifts and gift cards that will be shared through organizations to those in need.”

Many social organizations offer gifts for their clients, gifts largely provided by the community.

Each Nov. 1, the Holiday Giving Guide is released because “our community reaches out to PIN to ask about ways to give back during the holidays,” Cusimano said.

“Purchasing a tree of remembrance ornament, donations of gifts for children, families and affordable gift markets help spread the joy of giving.”

The joy of giving also includes the gift of time.

“Packing food, toys, gift wrapping, volunteer driving, snow shoveling are among a myriad of opportunities to volunteer safely as an individual or as a family” Cusimano states.

“Non-profits and charities have protocols in place for safe volunteering; if you are unsure, ask what procedures are in place.”

2021 marks PIN’s 20th anniversary and is encouraging the community to #DoGiveShareGW.

“Do 20 things for good, donate $20, volunteer for 20 hours; join us and blanket our community in the warmth of kindness and generosity” Cusimano said.

The Holiday Giving Guide can be found at