Palmerston church has its services easement approved

Councillors here have no objection to an easement application from the Palmerston Christian Reform­ed Church – under certain conditions.

Council passed a motion to that effect at its July 7 meeting.

The property is at 500 ­White’s Road, in Palmerston.

The proposal is to create an easement to install and maintain services to benefit a proposed residential development in the vicinity of the property.

Conditions requested in­clud­ed provision of safe access to the retained parcel to the satisfaction of the town.

Further, Minto council  re­quested an agreement for the maintenance of services for the severed parcel.

Deputy-mayor Judy Dirk­sen asked why Chief Building Official Terry Kuipers appear­ed perplexed with the discussion.

Kuipers said the ap­plication was to create an easement.

Councillor Rick Hembly said the intent was to create the easement to provide municipal services to a proposed development behind the church property.

Kuipers understood the reason for the easement, but he said he just did not understand the need for the safe access requirements for a driveway and building envelope when it is for sanitary sewers.

Dirksen said that maybe it happened since the document might be a “standard cut and paste” boilerplate

She explained that could be clarified and council could delete any references to the building envelope.

