Organizers: 4th annual Smiley Chimp Toy Drive a great success

Organizers say this year’s Smiley Chimp Toy Drive was yet another success.

Over 1,000 toys and gift cards were collected between Nov. 1 and Dec. 1 for the fourth annual drive. They were delivered to McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton on Dec. 5.

“We’ve had great support this year,” said co-organizer Rebecca O’Donnell of Arthur.

“It has been very well received at the hospital and in the community.”

O’Donnell’s daughter Sheyanne started the toy drive in 2013 at age 10 during her battle with neuroblastoma as a way to help bring smiles to the faces of children like her, who receiving treatments at the hospital over the holidays.

“She wanted to bring something to them to cheer them up,” said O’Donnell.

The community responded to the toy drive, donating more than 1,100 items that year, far surpassing Sheyanne’s original goal of collecting 100 to 200 toys.

Sadly, Sheyanne lost her battle with cancer in February of 2014, but her family and friends have continued the toy drive each year.

“We thought, ‘why not continue it in her name,” said O’Donnell.

The Smiley Chimp Toy Drive has collected over 1,000 items in each of its four years – with a grand total of 4,435 items donated to McMaster hospital.

“They’re amazed,” O’Donnell said of the reaction of hospital staff each year when the toys are dropped off.

Organizers wish to thank all the groups, individuals and businesses that helped  collect items for this year’s toy drive – and, of course, all those who made donations.

Plans are already in the works for the fifth annual toy drive, but O’Donnell said it’s not clear what will happen after 2017.

