OPP report three highway fatalities on long weekend

Tragically, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported three deaths on OPP-patrolled roads over the Easter long weekend, in spite of the many responsible drivers who did their part to help the police keep roads safe.

These latest road deaths bring the current number of fatalities on OPP-patrolled roads and highways in 2014 to a total of 65 (as of April 20). The OPP also reported one marine fatality over the weekend.  

Leading up to and over the long weekend, OPP issued  reminders to road users about the importance seat belts and proper child restraints play in reducing loss of life on roads.

They also asked motorists to further reduce the risk of fatal motor vehicle collisions by not driving impaired by alcohol or drugs, not driving aggressively and driving free of distractions.

While the majority of drivers were on board with the OPP’s long weekend road safety messages, the fatalities over the weekend serve as a harsh reminder that it only takes one act of carelessness behind the wheel to tragically raise the number of road deaths.

The OPP is reminding all Ontario drivers who set good examples on the road over the long weekend that their voluntary compliance with traffic laws goes a long way in saving lives. They are asking these drivers to continue this positive driving behaviour in an effort to prevent further tragedies on Ontario roads.

The OPP would also like to thank those who took the time to follow them on Facebook and Twitter this past week, especially those who joined in on the conversation, shared and retweeted safety messages and contributed to raising awareness in the online community about seat belt safety and other important road safety issues.
