OPP issue winter driving tips

Wellington OPP are reminding motorists to be prepared for winter driving.

The start of winter can present some of the worst driving conditions. Fluctuations in temperatures greatly influence the roadways and by taking extra precautions you will increase your chances of safe travels.

Safety tips to remember:

–  ensure your vehicle is winter ready and has received regular maintenance;

–    plan your trip and check weather conditions;

–   notify a family member or friend of your destination and potential arrival time;

– slow down – take your time and create distance between vehicles;

–   do not pass winter maintenance vehicles;

–  if you are not comfortable driving during the winter months, don’t drive;

–   consider a winter driving course;

–  carry extra windshield fluid and at least half a tank of gas; and

–   have an emergency kit –battery jumper cables, first aid kit, shovel, multi-tool, blanket, extra clothing, high calorie non-perishable food supply, flashlight, ice-snow scraper and cell phone in your vehicle.

Check the Ministry of Transportation website prior to leaving for road conditions at  www.mto.on.ca/english/travellers.

