OPP issue ATV safety tips

All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) are not toys, police caution. They handle differently from other vehicles.  

Riding ATVs can be an enjoyable form of outdoor recreation when done properly, Wellington OPP state in a recent press release. They can also be used for agricultural or utility use. Proper instruction and practice is important.

Wellington County OPP encourage ATV owners and operators to ride safe by offering the following tips:

–  always wear an approved helmet when riding;

– wear protective gear such as boots, gloves, pants, long sleeve shirt or jacket, as well as eye protection;

– conduct a pre-ride inspection before heading out; oil and gas levels brakes, lights;

– be prepared.  Always carry a map, compass or GPS unit and a first aid kit; and

–  never consume alcohol or drugs before riding.

Police note ATV’s may be driven on certain highways, highway shoulders, or municipal roads where a bylaw has been passed allowing such operation, provided:

–  the ATV is registered and its permit is carried by the driver;

–  the ATV is insured and that the driver carries proof of insurance;

–  the driver has a valid driver’s licence in his/her possession;

–  the driver wears a helmet and no passengers are on the vehicle;

–  the driver is travelling no more than 20km/h where the speed limit is 50 km/h or no more than 50km/h where the speed limit is more than 50km/h;

–  the driver is at least 16 years old and holds a valid G2/M2 licence or greater.

–  The driver must be at least 12 years old to drive an ATV off-road.

Police also advise riding on private property without permission can lead to a trespassing charge. For more information on ATV riding tips visit http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/safevehicles-atv-index-1022.htm.
