ON THE WEB: Important tips to help create a link-worthy website

Link building is one of the aspects of Search Engine Optimization.

There are companies that can help you with your link building efforts, but there are many things that you can do yourself to turn your website into a links-magnet.

You can make your website more link-worthy by creating good content for it. Even though this may evoke a major “duh,” you would be surprised to find out how many websites have very little interesting content.

No tips, no stories; only explanations of how good (supposedly) their products and services are.

By creating interesting content you can get people to link to you naturally.

Especially in this day and age with social media like Facebook and Twitter (or Pinterest), but also greater availability of content management systems like WordPress and Joomla, people now have more tools than ever before to share content that interests them.

And all these shares count as links for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

But a shared article or story like this can also be a referral source all in itself. People that are interested in an article that you wrote may very well be very interested in the products and services that you offer.

And by writing that article, you have basically just pre-sold your products and services.

So put some effort into thinking what you are going to write about. Did you recently solve a problem for one of your customers that other people may benefit from as well? Are there certain common misconceptions about your line of work? Do you have some testimonials with a nice story attached to them?

Writing about these things on your website or blog, and starting to share it yourself on your own Twitter or Facebook account, can result in many new links to your site – and visits from potential customers.

For more information contact your web developer or contact Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce director and website optimizer Nardo Kuitert at nardo@ucwebs.com or 519-787-7612.
