A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. If you require further information, regarding this press release, please call the Elora Resource Centre at 519-846-0941. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAFRA Website:

IT’S COLT’S-FOOT TIME AGAIN! – by John C. Benham,  Weed Inspector

As soon as the snow goes – beware those bright yellow flowers are appearing now!  Many times they are confused with dandelions.  Remember the dandelion has a smooth flower stem and the Colt’s-Foot flower stem has scales. Very few leaves will be present at flowering time.  Make note of the location so it can be destroyed later in the season.  Do whatever is necessary to eliminate the flower heads before they set seed.

I am told each flower head will contain about 3,500 seeds similar in structure to a dandelion.  They are distributed far and wide by the wind.  If the seed lands on bare soil it will establish itself and become extremely competitive smothering out all competing crops with its dense canopy of leaves.  Its underground creeping root system rapidly expands the patch.

I have seen Colt’s-Foot leaves up to 14” across appear in late June to early July that are very effective in smothering all the neighbouring plants.  Roundup is most effective in controlling this noxious weed when applied in late July and August when the plant is storing root reserves for next year.  Check the patch later since often there will be leaves under the canopy that do not receive the spray.  After all the living plants are destroyed recheck the spot since it is an inviting spot for new seedlings.

Keep in mind that Colt’s-foot is a noxious weed under the Weed Act and must be destroyed.  Be sure to meet the requirements of the Cosmetic Pesticide Act.  I can assure you that if you choose to ignore this plant, it will never diminish or leave on its own accord.  Check out those early yellow flowers and take appropriate action!


The Ontario Ministry of Environment is recognizing local green achievement, leadership and innovation with the launch of the new Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence.

The award program recognizes outstanding achievement by Ontario companies, organizations and individuals. Applicants must demonstrate how their activities benefit the environment or foster environmental behaviour change. For 2011, awards are focused on water and toxics reduction. However, the ministry will also consider applications of environmental excellence in other areas.

Applications will be accepted until May 6. Help us spread the word by sharing this information with your clients and stakeholders.  Please encourage them to apply or nominate a friend, community member or business in recognition of their efforts to help protect and conserve our environment.

Examples of these efforts might include:

1.   Environmental achievement through community or stakeholder involvement or collaboration

2.   Direct environmental / human health benefits (e.g. reductions in releases, pollutants, protection of drinking water)

3.   Stewardship, sustainability principles or pollution prevention initiatives

4.   Education, outreach and behaviour change initiatives

Learn more…for the application criteria and program details visit the Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence website at:


The next GYFP workshop will be held in the Elora OMAFRA meeting room on Friday, June 17 to be completed Friday, June 24 at 9:30am to 3pm.  This workshop is almost full to capacity so don’t delay to sign up.  Call John at 519-846-3394.

On Friday, Sept. 9 the next GYFP workshop will be held and Friday, Sept. 16 will be the completion date. This workshop will be held in the Elora OMAFRA meeting room. The GYFP workshops will give you the tools needed to assess your farm business and make plans for the future success of the farm business.  


The next EFP workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 11 and will be completed Wednesday, May 18 at 10am to 3pm in the Elora OMAFRA meeting room.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided. There are a few spaces still available but don’t delay if you need the workshop to qualify for Cost Share Financial Assistance. Call John at 519-846-3394 to sign up or for more information.


April  26 -The Eramosa 4-H Dairy Club will be holding their first meeting of the year at Walkerbrae Farms located at 7041 Wellington Road 30, Guelph at 7:30 p.m.  We would like to welcome any new members to the club as the 4-H age is now from 9-21 as of Jan. 1, 2011.  For more  information, contact Jason French at 519-846-1383 or Alison West at 519-942-4854.

April 26- Wellington County Farm Safety regular meeting at Husky Farm Equipment, Alma at 8pm sharp.  For more information, call Walter Grose at 519-846-5329. 

April 27- Grower Pesticide Safety Course, Elora.  Course starts at 8:45am and Separate Exam at 2:30pm.  To register, call Ontario Pesticide Education Program at 1-800-652-8573.

May 3- Wellington Federation of Agriculture monthly board meeting, at OMAFRA Boardroom, 6484 Cty. Rd. #7, Elora.  For information contact secretary, Lisa Hern at 519-848-3774, or email: 

May 5- Waterloo Federation of Agriculture monthly board meeting, at the St. Agatha Community Center.  For information contact secretary, Richard Cressman at 519-662-2790 or email:
