Old Fashioned Christmas Arthur parade theme

ARTHUR – Santa Claus is coming to town for the OptiMrs Santa Claus Parade on Nov. 27. The parade kicks off at 7pm, beginning near the Arthur Optimist Pavillion off Tucker Street.

Wellington North Fire will lead the way all throughout town during the Saturday parade, with the exception of Berkshire Drive and Farrell Lane.

With the pandemic, only one float was made available last year to accommodate Father Christmas as he brought the parade to the people throughout Arthur along with some Christmas cheer.

“This year local business are putting in 12 floats,” said Arthur OptiMrs president Shawna Lougheed.

Local service clubs, Armstrong Trucking, and Foodland will all have floats, among others, geared to this year’s theme of “Old Fashioned Christmas.”

“Our theme is a little bit of everything for different age groups,” Lougheed said of the OptiMrs float.

An Arthur Food Bank float will also be tailing along, accepting donations.

Residents will need to walk their donations up to the float.

The food bank is looking for: dried foods like pasta and cereal; canned goods; and staples like peanut butter, and feminine hygiene products.

“Grab your blankets and get cozy on your front lawn,” Lougheed said with a Christmas wish for a great turnout.