Noisy neighbours bug residents

While it might be considered music to one resident – his neighbours would rath­er enjoy the sounds of sil­ence.

A group of property owners in Harriston wants council to take extra steps against a particularly noisy neighbour. On June 4, council reviewed a petition signed by a dozen residents.

The petition asks council to seek amendments to Welling­ton County’s noise control bylaw which is enforced by the local OPP detachment.

“We are a group of neighbours who have a joint problem that we hope the town council can address. A person in our neighbourhood is in the habit of playing very loud music outside, on a regular basis, many weekends during the warm weather. He has been ap­proached on a one-to-one basis on several occasions about this problem, with no results. We have had to request the OPP to speak to him often about the noise levels, which they cannot do until after 11pm, based on the noise bylaw.”

“We understand that people have a right to play music, but we feel that we also have the right to quiet enjoyment of our own properties, which is fairly impossible in this situation. The music is so loud that we can distinguish the words even though we are two or three houses away. It is not unusual for the music to play all day long, all evening long, and until 5am the next day.

“Often it is necessary to close bedroom windows in or­der to get sleep for working the next day. This constant barrage is very nerve wracking.

We request that the town coun­cil review the noise by­laws and make amendments that might be of assistance in this type of situation.”

The petitioners added, “Of course we can be tolerant of oc­casional parties, weddings, and family gatherings that elevate noise levels, and have no wish to limit that type of activity.”

Mayor David Anderson said that bylaw enforcement offi­cer Tim Lewis is working on an amendment to address noise violations during the day.

While Wellington County does have a noise bylaw, Clerk Barb Wilson suggested Minto might require something more specific in nature to deal with nuisances.

