No idle hands: Experience working on the Poorhouse farm

Are you one of the deserving poor?

Spend an afternoon stepping back in time into the shoes of an “inmate” of the House of Industry and Refuge or “Poorhouse” during the Great Depression and World War II years. That building is today the Wellington County Museum and Archives.

Visitors can go behind the scenes there to gain an understanding what life would be like living at the Poorhouse.

Visitors can also participate in daily tasks that would be assigned on the industrial farm such as digging up potatoes, pruning the apple orchard, or scaring away pests using tools and techniques of the era.  

Once all the work is completed, workers can retire to the Victorian garden to have a taste of the simple daily meals of the men, women and children living in the Poorhouse.

The event is being offered on the third Sunday of the Month, July 15, Aug. 19, Sept. 16, and Oct. 21 from 2 to 4pm

The cost is $20 for adults, $10 for children aged 12 to 16 (the content is mature and would not appeal to those under 12); and $50 for a family (includes two adults and two children).

There is a 20% discount for Wellington County Museum and Archives members.

For more information, email, visit, or call 519-846-0916 extension 5225.
