New website aims to help record number of university students succeed

This fall will see more first-year undergraduate students attending Ontario universities than ever before.

Over 90,000 students have confirmed their university acceptance letters, which is almost 2,000 more than the double cohort year, when students in Grades 12 and 13 graduated at the same time.

This parallels a trend of increased demand for postsecondary graduates in the workforce.

Two out of three new jobs require postsecondary education and from 2004 to 2010, employment growth for university graduates outpaced all other levels of education.

To help students navigate this new competitive university environment, the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) has developed a website called

The website is designed to provide students with resources that can help them secure financial assistance and take advantage of emerging employment trends.

The website contains comprehensive information about future jobs and careers in Ontario.

“We will have a record number of students attending Ontario universities and we want to make sure these students thrive,” said Bonnie M. Patterson, COU president and CEO.  “The skills they will develop in the classroom, in a lab or through the broader student experience on campus, will lead to a lifetime of rewards.”

Statistics point to success: not only do more than 93 per cent of Ontario university students find jobs within six months of graduation, but 85 per cent of those employed full-time two years after graduation say their job is related to their education.

Ontario university graduates also earn more than twice as much annually (53 per cent) as high school graduates, an average of $1.6 million more over the course of their careers. is a resource for students where they can:

– learn about available financial aid options;

– learn how to better manage debt and save money;

– explore jobs of the future;

– get inspired with student success stories; and

– get survival tips for their first year in university.

In these uncertain economic times, students should know that the investment they are making in their education will help them earn more in their careers, contribute to their communities and arm them with essential skills in analysis and critical thinking that are widely applicable.

University students are encouraged to submit a video about why they value their education to The video with the most votes is eligible to win a BlackBerry PlayBook.

“We want to provide students with resources to help them succeed,” said Patterson.

