New horse welfare course offered online by Equine Guelph starting March 5

Equine Guelph is expanding its course offerings for devoted horse lovers.

It has now announced the first offering of Equine Welfare running March 5 to May 27. The online course is for those who want a heightened awareness of global horse welfare issues, including housing, management practices and procedures that can affect a horse’s well being.

Equine Guelph director Gayle Ecker said, “We know horses are a prey species and therefore may be very good at hiding health concerns. It is our responsibility as caretakers, and members of the industry, to reach a high level of education and understanding in order to provide a high level of care.”

Students will discuss welfare topics including how to recognize negative emotional states, how welfare can be objectively assessed, and specific practices that may compromise horse welfare.

Instructor Katrina Franken (BSc and MSc Equine Science) is excited about the, course to instill professional perspective and provide hands on tools to tackle welfare issues.

“The horse has a vast variety of roles in our lives. Whether it is a working equine in a developing country, an Olympic athlete flying around the world to compete or a cherished family pet – they all have similar needs that can be surprisingly different from what we think.”

The course offers professional perspective. Too often horse lovers project human characteristics onto horses. That cheeky teaching pony who pulls every trick out of the bag to ditch its rider might be suffering from back problems caused by its saddle. Recognizing such situations are the first steps to advanced knowledge in equine welfare.

The course will consider biological and emotional factors that affect a horses. Students will learn how to assess welfare and discuss practical issues from a global perspective. Students will be provided with background essential to make a difference for horses.

The course is a one in the new Equine Welfare Certificate program offered by Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare and Equine Guelph.

The core courses include:

– equine welfare; advanced equine behaviour; advanced equine health through nutrition; global perspectives in animal and equine welfare.

There are elective courses:

– health, disease prevention;

 – the equine industry;

– equine nutrition; and

– advanced equine anatomy.

Anyone wanting more information can visit www.Equine
