New bus on the road for EWCS seniors day program

There was much excitement on Dec. 19, as those involved with the seniors program waited for delivery of the new bus that has taken several years to purchase.

East Wellington Community Services (EWCS) thanked the community for its support in helping to raise the required funds to purchase a new bus for the Seniors Day program.

“It is awesome to have this vehicle finally here,” said Sherri Plourde, manager of Seniors Services.

EWCS has been providing the day program for frail seniors and other services for seniors since 1987.

Day Program participants are referred through the Community Care Access Centre in Guelph, and must meet certain eligibility requirements (i.e.- a form of physical disability, dementia, or socially isolated) in regard to their level of functioning, to obtain admittance to the Day Program.

Caregivers welcome the break which the Day Program provides to them, and the seniors benefit greatly from the day out with other seniors.

A typical day in this program begins with the 18-passenger wheelchair accessible bus picking up the seniors at their homes and bringing them to the program.

The day includes various activities that are developed with specific objectives of the EWCS Seniors program and provides each participant two healthy snacks and a hot nutritional lunch.  

The participants are brought home on the bus in the late afternoon. In the summer there are regular outings and picnics and programming is as varied as possible to provide an enjoyable day and to promote mental and physical stimulation.

Officials say the objectives of the EWCS Senior Day Program are:

– socialization with peers;

– memory stimulation;

– respite for caregiver;

– building self-esteem and sense of identity by productive and meaningful activity;

– maximize a sense of independence and competence;

– provide meaningful sensory stimulation;

– explore interests and competences;

– provide a link to past activities whenever this is appropriate;

– experience the pleasure of doing; and

– providing a hot nutritional meal.

For more information on the Seniors Day program, contact Sherri Plourde at 519-833-0087 or email
