Nestle donates $10,000 to Friends of Mill Creek

Nestlé Waters Canada has donated $10,000 to the Friends of Mill Creek, which is administered by the Grand River Conserva­tion Foundation.

Nestlé has donated $61,350 to the Friends of Mill Creek and Grand River Conservation Foundation since 2003.

The company’s donation helps to support the Friends of Mill Creek in its efforts to undertake fisheries and stream rehabilitation works, including stream bank reconstruction, stream bed re-grading, tree planting, culvert replacement, and farm fencing repair.

The work is undertaken by the Mill Creek Stewardship Rangers, four local high school students and a crew leader hired each summer.

“It is continuing support from companies like Nestlé Waters Canada that enables us to continue to do the good work we do on behalf of the community,” said Larry Halyk, co-chairman of Friends of Mill Creek.


