Municipality enters into site plan agreement

Guelph-Eramosa council has entered a site plan agreement with WFOURK Realty Holdings Inc. (Arthur Electric).

The site is located at 4929 7th Line in the eastern corner of the township.

The plan for the site is to construct a two-storey, 739-square-metre building containing an electrical contractor’s office and workshop.

The building will be located close to the front of the property and will include an access point off 7th Line, township planning consultant Rachel Martin wrote in a report to council.

The site is designated a rural employment area on the Wellington County Official Plan. Because the proposal is considered “dry-use” the contractor’s office and workshop conform to the official plan.

Under the township zoning bylaw, the land is zoned rural industrial, which allows  dry industrial and limited commercial uses. The proposed use is considered a “contractor or tradesperson establishment,” which is permitted in the M1 zone.


Alison Stewart and Brandon Bragg were granted a noise bylaw exemption for a wedding at 8110 Wellington Road 124 on Sept. 29. The exemption is from 5pm to 2am the evening of Sept. 30.
