Municipality considers promotion partnership

Working together to promote a local equestrian event may be in the works in southern Wellington County.

On Oct. 2, Erin councillor John Brennan commented on the end to the recent Angelstone horse tournament.

The equestrian event was held over a four-week period.

Brennan said that as part of the program, they provided a $7,500 scholarship for a young lady who plans to study veterinary medicine at the University of Guelph.

Brennan noted he had the opportunity to speak with county Warden Chris White, who is also the mayor of Guelph-Eramosa. Brennan said White mentioned a collaboration to promote the event in the future “because it is important to the area as a whole, not just Erin.”

Angelstone physically lies just inside Erin's municipal borders, but the address is cited as Rockwood, which is in Guelph-Eramosa.
