Motorcycle awareness day heads for Marden

Safe Communities and Guelph-Eramosa Township is holding a motorycle rider/co-rider awareness day on July 10 at the Royal Distributing Athletic Performance Centre in Marden. 

The event is planned to offer three separate seminars to help attendees be better riders and co-riders. 

Seminar topics include:     

– Motorcycling for Mature Riders; 

– Dealing With Different Elements; and 

– Going, Going, Gone … Trip Preparation’. 

Each seminar will only be given once. The entire will take place from 9am to 2pm.

There will also be a video session on tech-lane pre-ride checks accompanied by handouts for on-going use prior to daily runs and/or longer rides. There will be advisers on hand to help explain the various elements of this bike-check program.

An additional attraction will be three performances by the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) Northern Lights precision drill team featuring slow speed large bike motorcycling handling techniques. 

As an added bonus, there will be booths onsite featuring numerous new motorcycle brands and models and the knowledgeable folks from To Wheel Motorsport will explain the features and benefits associated with each. 
