Morris seeks safety talks about Millburn and Nichol 2nd Line

Issues of street safety will be on the com­mittee of the whole agenda on Oct. 6 at the request of or Centre Wellington councillor Fred Morris.

He told council Monday night he received con­cerns over the weekend from resi­dents on the 2nd Line of Nichol about safety for children with school buses stopping in the valleys of that hilly road, especially at the road’s west end.

Morris told council he has asked Director of Public Works Ken Elder for a report about the road and safety conditions. Council had considered safe­ty issues on the road earlier this year.

Morris then cited com­plaints from Millburn Boule­vard about speeding on that road for a number of years.

Morris said when the town­ship changed the direction of travel from two way to one way on McTavish Street, because of concerns for student safety at the high school, school bus drivers began driv­ing down Millburn, which has homes close to the street, and many children living on it. The bus drivers are using that street to reach Highway 6, Morris said.

He added there “was a com­mitment by the bus line not to use Millburn,” and he wants the issue considered.

Councillor Walt Visser ask­ed, “Can we get a school board rep?”

Visser said the school board was involved in traffic and safety discus­sions for the new Centre Wellington District High School “when they put this school in the wrong place.”


