More service in 2014

The mailroom equipment is steadily humming in the background tonight as we write.

With holidays planted firmly mid-week, the heat is on to get this Newspaper together almost a week ahead.  Employees are literally pushing the envelope, but it is what we do.

It is when nights are dark, and most cubicles are empty, that we sit back and ponder the good fortune we have to be in the business we are. Today our employee count numbers 48, our carrier force 150 and our motor-route drivers number 17. It is incredible really, as sages in other media extoll the death of Newspapers. Perhaps folly on our part, only confirmed in the fullness of time, we truly believe in what community Newspapers have done and will continue to do well.

We believe in what the Advertiser does and will get even better at doing.

There will be some changes in the New Year. We try to keep our eyes open and ears listening for the needs of our advertisers and readers. As marketing becomes more focused, we will engage in more products and services that make sense for local and regional advertisers.

But really, the successes we have had and wish to have, are really about the people we serve each week. Whether that be readers acutely interested in their local community or business people offering wares and services.

In order to focus on these new services, whether it is through our printing division at Fergus Printing or the digital offerings that will hit the market shortly, we will be redesigning the format of our publication.

Before alarm bells ring, we are intent on keeping our flagship publication, The Wellington Advertiser, the full size tabloid it is. It works for us and works for our customers. As this revamp takes place, we are always interested in feedback, and will take into account constructive suggestions that readers wish to see.

Inside Wellington, which offered a different flavour and feel to the Advertiser, will no longer form part of our weekly package of News. The good parts of that section will resume in the main body of the paper where they have been since the Advertiser began.

Perhaps that is the toughest part of managing and meeting market demands – that even good ideas have to be reconsidered from time to time. Publishing two sections of the Newspaper each week became too much to guarantee and we remain big on promising what we can and fulfilling those promises.

As we head into 2014, we offer the best of wishes to fellow business people and the families within the communities we serve, and we pledge to do our best to make you proud of this independent Newspaper that continues to buck the trends.

We owe it all to our readers and thank you for making 2013 another great year for the Advertiser.

Happy New Year, Wellington.

