Mimosa 4-H poultry club: building showboxes

The Mimosa poultry club is at it again. This meeting included the 4-H pledge and motto (as usual) and showbox building.

The club started off with Matthew opening the meeting with the 4-H pledge, and the second year members were to help first year members in building a showbox for our chickens.

After the first year’s showbox was done, the second year could make another showbox. Members then lined up to get our materials, which were brought by Leslie and Ian Cook, and separated into groups.

Then, came to the most exciting part: building!

Some painted the boxes as well, so watch for some fantastic colours and artwork at Erin Fair this year!

After finishing up the showboxes, the Branders surprised us with ice cream sandwiches! Last, Matthew closed the meeting with the motto.        

submitted by Josh Brander
