Mileage rate increased for staff, councillors

Citing rising fuel costs, councillors here have approved an increase in the mileage rate paid to themselves and staff.

Council discussed the issue  at its last meeting in July, two weeks after it approved a resolution directing staff to review the matter.

Finance Director Mike Givens told council the total  mileage costs for staff and council in 2007 were just over $13,000 at the rate of $0.37 per kilometre.

He explained Canada Revenue Agency’s automobile allowance is currently $0.52 for the first 5,000 kilometres and $0.46 per kilometre thereafter. Other municipalities in the area have mileage rates ranging from $0.42 to $0.50 per kilometre, Givens added.

Council unanimously approved Givens’ recom­men­dation that the current rate be raised to $0.42 per kilometre.

