Mapleton invites public to strategic plan meeting on April 26

The township is developing a 10-year strategic plan and is inviting residents, community groups and businesses to share their views for the community up to 2022.

The goal is the establishment of a collective vision to define ways to best use resources and communicate with the community.

The township will also consider municipal planning documents such as the zoning bylaw and official plan, and the budget, ensuring resources are allocated appropriately and reported annually to identify progress, measure success and establish future goals.

Residents are invited to participate in an online survey at, or attend a “conversation café” workshop.

Surveys are available at the township office. Contact Mapleton chief administrative officer Patty Sinnamon at 519-638-3313, extension 24 or email

A public meeting is being held at the PMD Arena on April 26 at 7pm, open to residents of all ages.
