Mapleton 4-Hers get busy baking

On Sept. 8 2 the Mapleton 4-H group had their first meeting at the Optimist Hall in Moorefield. The leaders Lynne Flewwelling and Cathy Dobben introduced the topic of baking.

Members split into four groups. One baked brownies in a microwave, the second group made brownies in an oven. The third group made veggie squares and  the fourth made chocolate chip cookies. While the goodies were baking elections were held. Jordan Dobben was elected president, Laura Shaw as vice president, Andrew Grose secretary and Alexis Kuper  press reporter.  The group was then split into two, with one group learning about measuring with water and the other about measuring with dry ingredients.

The meeting ended with everyone tasking the treats.. The next meeting will be on Sept. 25.

Meeting 2

On Sept. 25 the Mapleton Ninja Muffins held their second meeting.

They split into four groups. One group made oatmeal chocolate muffins with a pre-mix, while group two made the same muffins from scratch. The other two groups made a cheese loaf and blueberry muffins.

While they goodies baked Jordan opened the meeting and the group discussed baking tips and hints. By then the goodies were ready to eat.

Press Reporter – Alexis Kuper
