Mapleton 4-H club holds two meetings; Greener homes and spider plants

Strap on your gardening gloves and get planting because Mapleton 4-H is starting a greener house.

On April 25 the Mapleton 4-H club had their 1st meeting of the season at leader Cathy Dobben’s house. The group has 12 members returning and two new members.

Members started the night off with their first activity, “What seed is that?” They were given bags with many seeds in them  and had to guess what the seeds were. It was hard. Then we got to planting with starting our salad bowls, everyone got to planting with a partner planting herb seeds. I planted some sage while other groups planted oregano or rosemary. Finally, we put our mugs to great use by planting some Chia seeds. I can’t wait until mine starts growing.

We also elected our officers for this club:  president Maddison Martin, secretary Brianna Flewwelling and press reporter: Maddison Martin.

The next meeting is at Cathy Dobben’s homes on May 2.

Meeting 2

Don’t let the spider plant get you in the night.  On May 2, the Mapleton 4-H club met at Cathy Dobben’s home. We continued to make our house greener by trimming our leader’s spider plant and planting our own spider plants. The transplanting continued when we all got to transplant tomato plants. We even started an experiment where we are trying to grow a pineapple. I really hope it works, I love pineapple.

The group also worked with flowers trying to figure out from seed catalogues what a flower was, annual, perennial or biannual. It was hard to find biennials.

Finally we closed with some snacks and drinks.

The next meeting will be May 9 at leader Lynne Flewwelling’s.

Submitted by Maddison Martin

