Lot line adjustments and severance in Guelph-Eramosa

Council here recently received two consent applications for lot line adjustments.

The first was from John and Elizabeth Gmur for the property at 33 Ash Street in Eden Mills.

The applicants applied to sever a 0.059 hectare (593.7 square metre) parcel of vacant bush land that has no frontage. The proposed severed lands will not have any buildings and will be merged with the property at 37 Ash Street.

The retained parcel, which includes the house, woodworking shop and garden shed, will be 0.486 hectares with 65.34 metres of frontage on Ash Street.

Avis said the proposed severance is consistent with the provincial policy statement.

Because the property is within the hamlet area of Eden Mills the Wellington County Official Plan allows for lot line adjustments and the lands are zoned rural residential so both the severed and retained lands comply with zoning regulations.

Another lot line adjustment

The township also received a lot line adjustment application for 5086 Township Road 1 from Mary Trindade and Zita Fernandes.

The application is to sever a 23.4 hectare-parcel of agricultural land which will be added to a neighbouring contractor shop property at 5080 Township Road 1.

“There’s no net increase or decrease in terms of agricultural land and there’s no net increase in terms of lots being created as a result of this,” Avis said. “It’s just merely changing which parcel of land the agricultural land is associated with …”

The retained parcel will be 0.8 hectares with 91m of frontage on Township Road 1 and Fife Road. The retained parcel contains a house and garage.

The severance complies with the provincial policy statement, Wellington County Official Plan and the township zoning bylaw, Avis said. However, a zoning bylaw amendment is required because the retained 0.8 hectare parcel is smaller than the minimum lot size of 24 hectares.

Township council passed resolutions in support of both lot line adjustments at the June 19 council meeting. Wellington County will make the final decision.

New lot

Bin Lu and Huaicheng Li requested a new lot at 7003 Wellington Road 124 on the east side of the township in a hamlet area. The request is to create a new 0.5 hectare lot and retain 4.4 hectares of rural residential and environment protection land.

The 0.5 hectare lot has a house, garages and a shed while the retained agricultural lot is vacant other than an underground bunker.

The applicants propose to construct a new single detached home on the retained 4.4-hectare parcel.

While both lots will front onto Wellington Road 124 the only access is through the severed parcel. Avis explained that Wellington County will need to approve an additional entrance for the retained lot.

“Staff will defer comments on road access to the county but recommend the county be satisfied an entrance permit for the severed lands can be obtained,” he wrote in his report.

The severance conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement and the Wellington County Official Plan. The township requested a survey of building setbacks and once obtained and approved the severance will also conform to the township zoning bylaw.

The township voted to support the application but the ultimate decision is made by Wellington County.

