Locals raise $488,000 towards new recreation facility in Marden Park

The Active Communities Campaign raised a total of $488,000 in cash and in-kind donations for the new Royal Distributing Athletic Performance Centre in Marden Park.

Parks and recreation manager Robin Milne told council last week the fundraising committee, which he called “a team of dedicated community members,” received “overwhelming support” from residents and businesses in the community since the campaign was launched last April.

The final tally does not include “prominent naming opportunities” that remain for the building, Milne added.

Councillor John Scott said he is very impressed with the way people in the community rallied behind the committee, whose members include three staff members – Milne, Vicki Hafner and Ken Brooks – as well as the following volunteers: Eric Huber, Cathy Stewart-Leahey, Linda Van Norman, Don Richardson and Warren Gregg.

Both Scott and councillor Doug Breen recognized Milne for his contribution to the fundraising efforts.

Breen called it “very encouraging” to see the large number of people and businesses on the list of donors. He also mentioned the “hours and hours” of time members of the committee spent on the project and wondered if they could receive some recognition from the municipality.

Mayor Chris White said the members would receive volunteer recognition. He too was impressed by the community support the committee received, especially given the state of the economy.

“It’s much bigger than a Sports field,” White said of the new facility.

He noted the new opportunities at Marden Park have really helped revive that community and have also served to unite residents, both young and old, on both sides of the township.

