Local WI greet English visitors

Diane Orr, Joy Trimble and Pat Salter of the Alma Women’s Institute journeyed to Stoney Creek to greet a busload of WI members from Summerset County, England on Oct. 15.

Friends of the Lee provided a delicious lunch for the group and took them to the Erland Lee Drive House and gift shop and showed them around the ground of the birthplace of Women’s Institute 115 years ago.

They took many pictures and purchased souvenirs.

The newly-decorated drive house was the perfect setting for a power point presentation of the interior of the Erland Lee Museum Home for the guests who were unable to tour the home because of the renovations that are currently under way.

There was an exchange of pins and calendars between Ontario and England after which they wished their guests a safe trip back to England.

Changing our tune

On Oct. 10, 140 WI members from the Guelph area attended area convention in the new Alma community hall.

Chairperson Glenna Smith called the meeting to order. The hall was decorated for the season as members were gathered around carefully decorated tables.

Joan Law gave a memorial presentation.

The district song competition was judged by Louise Elder. The winners were Wellington-Halton with Waterloo District in second place. The winners received $50 and second received $25 Members heard a presentation from the OPP on roundabouts, best practices and the new move-over laws.

The Alma WI served a roast beef dinner.

After lunch, greetings from guests were received. Also a report from area voting delegate Pauline Weiland, proviincial board member Barbara Weese and provincial president Elsie Stephenson.

Other afternoon speakers on the theme “Changing our Tune” were Lousie Elder on voice training, dietician Vicky La Forge and Deb Griffey from Shears to You on crafts.

Big donation

After election of officers, and acceptance of the bylaws, members voted to donate $2,000 to the Friends of the Lee for the renovations that are in progress.

Next year’s chairperson Margaret McMahon gave the courtesies and invited everyone to Kurtsville for the 2013 area convention.

The meeting closed with the singing of So Long it’s Been Good to Know You.
