Local motorcycle Ride for Jacob Aug. 25

This weekend marks the third annual motorcycle Ride for Jacob.

Tony and Doreen Alexandris are inviting everyone to take part in this year’s Ride for Jacob.

Doreen Alexandris recently stated, “As many of you are aware Tony and I lost our third son to a severe case of Spinabifida. Our son Jacob Samual was born at 22 weeks gestation and lived only a few hours with us. It has been an emotional four years now and some days are still very hard.”

The couple decided it was time to make a difference.

“Two years ago we decided to make our hearts a little lighter and give back.  We hosted our first fundraiser for the Spinabifida Association to raise money for families who have children with this very unfortunate birth defect.”

The first ride and barbecue generated $2,000, and last year the amount increased to $3,100.

Doreen added she and her husband were overwhelmed with the support of  family, friends and co-workers.

 “We thank all of you again.”

This year, the event is set for Aug. 25 four years since Jacob’s death.

“We will ride a scenic afternoon tour through the countryside and return to our home for a barbecue and social evening.”

All riders must meet at the Alexandris home, 5464 Wellington Road 26 (RR4 Rockwood), by 12:30pm for a 1pm departure.

The ride will be roughly four hours long with two stops, as participants ride to Shelbourne, Redickville, Honeywood, Lisle, Everette, Loretto, Hockley Valley, Orangeville, Forks of the Credit, Erin then back to the Alexandris home.

“Those of you whom wish to ride alongside Tony and I are welcome to do so. Those of you that are not riding and wish to attend the barbecue later, meet us at our home between 5:30 and 6pm.”

All proceeds will go to the Spinabifida Association and donors will receive a tax receipt.

For further information or to RRSP (so organizers know the number of people riding or attending the barbecue) call 519-833-0447.
