Local moms celebrate World Breastfeeding Week beginning Oct. 1

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) is joining local moms to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week Oct. 1 to 7.  

Public Health will be sharing the stories of three local moms who have breastfed successfully and want to share their experiences with others.

To read the full interviews with the three local moms, visit www.wdgpublichealth.ca/?q=wbw.

WDGPH is committed to supporting breastfeeding families and is working toward the internationally recognized designation of being a “baby-friendly” organization.

The organization does ongoing surveying to measure the impact of breastfeeding initiatives.

– In 2007, 48 percent of women in local communities reported that they were exclusively breastfeeding their babies at two weeks of age.  In 2012, that number increased to 73 percent.

– In 2007, 38 percent of women in local communities reported that they were exclusively breastfeeding their babies at two months of age. In 2012 that number increased to 66 percent.

“Breastfeeding education and support is a key Public Health priority because we know there are benefits for both mom and baby,” said Dr. Nicola Mercer, medical officer of health and CEO of WDGPH.

“The World Health Organization and Canadian Paediatric Society recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, with continued breastfeeding up to two years and beyond,” Mercer said, adding, “We want to celebrate the joy that comes with sharing a special moment with your newest family member while helping moms balance breastfeeding with their already hectic lives.”
