Local IODE chapter disbands in style with community donations

It was, in the words of one IODE Thistle Chapter member, a “bittersweet day,” as the organization made two community donations while at the same time closing the door on its 33-year history.

The chapter was incorporated on March 31, 1980 and has made considerable contributions to Fergus and area. It has become known as Canadian Women’s charitable organization with its motto “to improve the quality of life for children, youth and those in need, through educational, social service and citizenship programs.”

The Fergus chapter of the IODE (Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire) has faithfully maintained its mission, working diligently to raise funds for school scholarships for further education, supporting students to attend the Terry Fox education week in Ottawa, playground equipment and other school projects. They have also supported libraries and Women in Crisis.

On March 23, the group donated $766 to the Centre Wellington fire department to purchase a hydrogen cyanide detector for use at fires and $5,000 to the Groves Memorial Hospital Foundation to purchase an $80,000 sterilizer to be used as part of the hospital’s cancer care program.

Since it was incorporated, the Thistle Chapter grew to 24 members, but gradually declined to 12. It was that decline and difficulty recruiting new members that made members decide it was time to disband.

“From making cheese balls and pies to sell at local public events to organizing fashion shows and producing the very successful ‘Deck the Halls Xmas House Tour,’ which ran for 18 years, the members have worked and enjoyed being a part of the Fergus community,” a media release from the group said. “The Chapter has received many compliments – one from a local councillor and business owner who said the Chapter had indeed helped put Fergus on the map.”

The members thanked the community for its support through the years which enabled them to continue their work. “The Chapter closes, but the friendship among the remaining members will always continue,” the group’s press release stated.

“I think the community is going to miss them,” Chapter president Kathy Onifrichuk said after the donations were handed out at the Fergus fire hall Saturday morning.

“We’ve had a great relationship with the fire department, hospital and other community groups.”
