Local 4-H Dairy Club hosts first meeting

The first meeting of the West Luther 4-H Dairy Club was held on April 30 at E & J Holsteins in Arthur.

The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge, led by leaders Angela Fairfield and Shannon Cartwright.

This year’s theme for the club is reproduction and the role call was “Why do we breed for better cows?”

Then the members had an election of officers. Ryan Harrop is club president, Genna Wright is vice president, Robyn Van Ankum is secretary and Rachel Brodhaecker is press reporter.

The club then met Elgin and Joan Craig and an exchange student from Japan who is staying with them for a year because he is interested in learning about cow genetics.

Elgin explained what he looks for when breeding a cow. The club then had a chance to look around the barn at all the cattle.

Members then had a snack provided by the Craigs and ended the meeting with the 4-H motto.

submitted by Rachel Brodhaecker
