Lights out

The lights flickered for a moment and the generator kicked in. Lights were restored and the meeting we were at continued.

Before leaving home we set up the flashlights and various emergency items, figuring the windy weather to be a precursor to a storm that would knock the power out.

Upon exiting the building, an eerie darkness enveloped the streets of Fergus, making it difficult to reach our vehicle parked across the street. Once inside and able to sit for a minute, we could see headlights darting about through the side streets.

By the time we left town, power had been restored. Luckily, the incident was an only an inconvenience for most people.

It is these occasions that make us think how lucky we are to have access to electricity. People can bicker about prices and charges, but we find it one of the best deals around. The amount of convenience we get is worth every cent.

Another thought remains; the need for residents to think ahead when such events are underway. Despite great strides since last year’s ice storm, there are still numerous trees that can snap a line and cause an outage.

Consider this latest lights out as a dress rehearsal for the next outage. Were there obvious things you would do differently or have on hand?

Think about it and stay safe.

