Diabetes day

Dear Editor:
The Lions Club of Fergus held a Diabetes Awareness Day recently, and would like to say thank you to the residents of Centre Wellington who visited our kiosks and obtained information about diabetes and its effects.
Diabetes is now one of the more prevalent disorders affecting people worldwide. Diabetes is a by-product of a life style, poor nutrition, or genetics (or combination of all) – you cannot catch it from contact. Once you have it, you have it for life! This is why we are promoting getting tested early, and researching lifestyle and dietary changes that make you less venerable – reducing your risk factor.
One of the simplest tests you can do is to go on-line and from your browser, type “diabetestest.ca.” This will take you to the Diabetes Canada site and by answering seven simple questions; you will get an immediate result showing your risk factor of developing type 2 diabetes. Also, and we encourage this, consult your medical practitioner and get a blood test. Like all ailments, early diagnosis is always best.
We would like to thank these Fergus entities who provided their premises in which we could set up: Freshco, Zehr’s, the Royal Bank and the New to You shop – your support is greatly appreciated. Our thanks also go out to both Grand River Pharmacy and Remedy’s Rx for taking part and helping to staff a booth at FreshCo and the New to You Shop.
Loblaw dietitian Katherine Adamski and Upper Grand Family Health Care’s Holly Stokman (a certified diabetes educator) were on hand to answer questions and offer advice (medical, lifestyle and dietary) at the Zehrs location, and we really appreciate your contributions and being part of the team.
Living with diabetes is not easy, but determining your risk factors and taking steps now to improve your health is – today is a good day to start.

Brian Martin,

Fergus Lions Club