Archived Letter – 985

It was Christmas Eve Day and I found myself standing in the checkout line at the Zehrs grocery store in Fergus. As with many of us, the time leading up to Christmas day was full of excitement, opportunity, tension and stress. I had decided month’s earlier to manufacture the majority of my Christmas gifts and the deadline was fast approaching. There were still gifts to wrap, baking to be done, along with all kinds of other pre Christmas preparations.
So there I was, ready and willing to pay for my groceries I and inserted my debit card into the payment machine. The transaction was about to transpire, but it had been subjected to human error one too many times. The transaction was about to transpire but wrong pin numbers along with other annoying technicalities was preventing my transaction from going through.
“I must be tired”. At least that’s what I told myself as I was trying to finalize this simple transaction. I tried another card and human error struck again! I was standing there, befuddled, when I pulled out my last resort – my credit card. As I have never used my credit card at a grocery store, I doubted that this type of transaction could work. Once approved, I would be on my merry way, home to those most important tasks. Cautiously, I went to place my credit card into the machine again. But before I could reach the machine a gentleman, kind and gracious was already using it. This gentleman had already inserted his card into that dreadful machine. His hand was steady, his fingers quietly tapping on the keypad. I didn’t understand! I had not completed my transaction! So I looked at the clerk, paused, and patiently waited for an explanation. I looked down again confused at the hand that was still answering the machines requests, still not understanding. So I looked at the clerk one more time, searching for answers. She said nothing. My next thought I presented to the gentleman, “Sir, I have not finished my transaction”. His immediate reply was: “It’s OK, it’s already paid for”.
Human kindness had struck! This kind gentleman just paid my rather large grocery bill!!
I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, I was dizzy with a thousand emotions and questions. Suddenly, as if a bolt of lightning struck me, I realized that this kind gentleman was trying to help by paying it forward during this season of giving. All I could muster was to ask “if he was sure”, I cannot recall his response as my heart had started to swell and my eyes began slowly filling with tears. I simply said, “Thank you,” and left the store.
When that bolt of lightning hit me, I realized I had just received something, much more powerful than a monetary gift; I had received the gift of giving, and it no longer mattered if those pre Christmas preparations got done.
To that quiet gentleman wearing a tweed coat and matching hat, who so generously helped me out on that unforgettable Christmas Eve. Your actions speak louder than words ever could.
Wishing you all the best for 2016.

Thank you!

Doreen Smith