Archived Letter – 983

Dear Editor,

Jim McClure had better carry on writing letters to you the editor. They are fresh reminders of the poor stewardship ravaging this great land.

With regards to the ever increasing hydro rates though, we do give a damn. But I ask him, what are we to do? Unless we rally up a band of brothers and forcefully take control of all the power plants in the province, there’s nothing we can do. Letters to our MP or premier certainly don’t do anything.

Taking the extreme unfortunately sounds like something our neighbors in the east would do (or quite possibly have done). So I doubt that’s the answer. But if you ask me, the fat cats running the show are no different than the terrorists beheading innocent people at will. The slightest regard for others is lost.

If they can learn to love others as themselves instead of taking advantage of them, then we might have fair hydro rates (hell even fair taxes across the board). Until then though…

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am all for capitalism but the greed that often goes with it is unacceptable and will continue to eat away at everything we love about this Province. Get rid of the greed and you’ll get rid of the ridiculous costs of living. Hey, we might even have some money left over to fix our bridges.

Doug Vanderveen

Doug Vanderveen