Archived Letter – 977

As the Holiday Season approaches, we reflect upon those who have played an important part in shaping who we are.

At the Canadian Cancer Society in Wellington County, the staff is thinking about all the volunteers that are involved and how they have supported our mission.

The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community based organization whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.
Our volunteers are the backbone.

We would like to thank our volunteers for being involved, and supporting us to do everything we can to prevent cancer, save lives and support those living with cancer. With the holidays around the corner we are grateful for those that are still with us and are able to share in this holiday season.

We wish all our volunteers and their families a wonderful holiday season!

Sara Orrell
Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
On behalf of all the Canadian Cancer Society Staff at the Wellington County community office

Sara Orrell