Archived Letter – 965

Dear Editor:
Whoever voted for Justin Trudeau will “reap what they have sown.” To see this, we first have to look at history. Have the Liberals ever benefited our country? Only some of the earliest ones had any scruples. Now, in the modern times, we only have to look at our provincial member of parliament – Kathleen Wynne – to realize what a Liberal government could do to our country. And yet, we have a new prime minister who could already potentially harm this land. There is a plan to bring in a large number of Syrian refugees in the next year; however, a couple ISIS members who participated in the Paris attacks had posed as these refugees and were readily welcomed into the country of France. If we bring 25,000 Syrian refugees into our land with no qualms, what will our country end up to be? How many ISIS spies will have deceived us?

Jessica Kuschmierz