Archived Letter – 960

Thank You isn’t said Enough
People go to their jobs everyday. 1. They have to, and 2. Well because we have to. Not very often do you come across someone who truly loves and enjoys their job. One of the toughest jobs I believe is becoming a parent, 2nd to that “being a Teacher”. Our children are our pride and joy. Constantly thriving, learning, full of energy and full of unconditional love.
One hard thing that comes with parenting is having to let go and make way for growth. Dealing with mixed emotions and struggles of everyday situations and decisions. Some parents are given more responsibilities then others, but to each individual it is all a great challenge.
School is a huge privilege that our children are very fortunate to be able to have. A promising place for education and where dreams are being created.
Front and Center of this wonderful opportunity are the men and women who in my eyes go unnoticed far to often.
These are the fantastic people we trust with our greatest creations. Teachers, administrative professionals, principles, janitors, ECE workers volunteers Ect. need to know just how much they are appreciated. After all they are the people who keep our children safe and inspire them to dream big. Helping to educate and guild them using the proper tools and aids to become successful individuals when we cannot.
If you haven’t already, then please take time today to stop in, leave a note in your child’s bag, make a phone call or send an e-mail and thank your school staff or individual teacher for all the hard work they do each and everyday with our children.
St. Mary School Elora, You inspire so many great minds everyday. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!

Amy Walser