Archived Letter – 959

Dear Editor
On behalf of the Centre Wellington Branch of the Canadian Bible Society (CWBCBS). We would like to thank everyone for making the 2015 Proclamation a success.
170 volunteers ranging in age from 6 to 90 years old came together from Centre Wellington, Guelph, Kitchener and even as far away as Barrie to do 10 min to 1 hour readings over 10 days from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. The complete Holy Bible was read aloud from their preferred version and in their native language including English, French, German & Chinese. There were readers from 18 churches and 10 denominations that worked as one to acknowledge the importance of the Bible, especially in this day and age.
As soon as the final chapters were read by Thelma French and Ted Arnott a celebration took place with prayer, singing and testimonies that was attended by approximately 75 people.
A special thanks goes to St, Andrews Presbyterian Church Fergus for hosting this event and to Ruth Sproule and the other CWBCBS representatives for coordinating the readers.
All by the grace of God for the glory of God.

John Agar,

John Agar